InLevel Up CodingbyJarek Orzel9 Laws That Every Software Developer Should KnowThere are numerous guidelines and observations referred to as laws or principlesSep 27, 202430Sep 27, 202430
InCoinmonksbyMustafa AkbulutSmart Contract Vulnerabilities Unveiled: Short Address AttackIn the realm of smart contracts, security vulnerabilities can arise from even the most subtle oversights. One such vulnerability is the…Aug 3, 20244Aug 3, 20244
InCoinmonksbyahmetw.ethSmart Contract Security: Block Timestamp ManipulationBonjour à tous!Dec 10, 2023Dec 10, 2023
InCoinmonksbyFaybian ByrdRareSkills Solidity Interview Question #33 Answered: How do you write a gas-efficient for loop in…This series will provide answers to the list of Solidity interview questions that were published by RareSkills..Mar 1, 2024Mar 1, 2024
InCoinsBenchbyFaybian ByrdRareSkills Solidity Interview Question #24 Answered: How do you send Ether to a contract that does…This series will provide answers to the list of Solidity interview questions that were published by RareSkills..Feb 15, 20241Feb 15, 20241
Solid QuantI don’t care if I get sandwiched, bigger things are coming to MEVThe inner workings of MEV and how the industry is shiftingDec 23, 20235Dec 23, 20235
InCoinmonksbyEman Herawy10 smart contract vulnerabilities with code examplesA Comprehensive Guide for Understanding and Mitigating Security Risks in Blockchain Smart Contracts.Sep 26, 20231Sep 26, 20231
Oluwatosin SerahMastering Libraries In SolidityWelcome back! In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of libraries in Solidity. We’ll uncover the advantages of utilizing…May 24, 2023May 24, 2023
InCoinmonksbyJoão Paulo MoraisLearn Solidity lesson 34. Call, staticcall and delegatecallThe EVM has 3 opcodes that can be invoked directly in Solidity: call, delegatecall and staticcall. All of them are used to send calls to…Nov 11, 20222Nov 11, 20222
InCoinmonksbybahador ghHow to determine contract address in solidityHave you ever wanted to find out how to realize address differences in ethereum? here you will get the answer!Jul 22, 20225Jul 22, 20225
InCoinsBenchbyZuhaib MohammedAccessing Private Data| Hack Solidity #4Before starting, we need to understand how the storage of state variables works in solidity via SLOTS.Jan 8, 2022Jan 8, 2022
InCoinmonksbyPaolo ServilloRentable NFT (EIP-4907): how can be improvedWhat are Rentable NFT (EIP4907) and how can be improved with a simple rent method.Jul 13, 2022Jul 13, 2022
InCoinmonksbySaidOpenZeppelin Ethernaut SolutionsThe Ethernaut is a Web3/Solidity game played in the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Each level is a smart contract that needs to be ‘hacked’. It…Dec 28, 2022Dec 28, 2022
In0xCODEbyVTECHInteracting With Smart Contracts Using Web3.js (Part I)The Web3.JS framework allows developers to interact with Ethereum smart contracts using Javascript Node.js. The framework consists of…Jun 8, 20213Jun 8, 20213
InCoinmonksbyWheatstonesGrowth & Adoption of Enterprise EthereumIntroductionNov 28, 20221Nov 28, 20221
InTallybyDennison BertramHow to create a soulbound governance token in 5 minutes (or less!)Soulbound Tokens, or SBTs, are hot right now. Like, really hot.Jun 2, 20223Jun 2, 20223
InCoinmonksbyPaolo ServilloMultiverse NFT (EIP-5606)An attempt to address the interoperability aspect of NFTs and “true” ownership across platforms.Nov 8, 20224Nov 8, 20224
InBetter ProgrammingbyPaolo ServilloSelfdestruct: How To Destroy a Smart ContractUnderstanding why and how to create a “mortal” smart contract while considering the relative security implicationsOct 19, 2022Oct 19, 2022